Charlton Mackrell School
Charlton Mackrell Church of England Primary School, Bonfire Lane, Charlton Mackrell. Somerton, Somerset TA11 7BN Headmistress - Mrs Rebecca Cawley
☎ 01458 223329
Social, Sport & Community
Art Group
Meetings in the Reading Room. Contact Terrie Elliss
☎ 01458 224225
Badminton Club
Played in the Community Hall on Thursday evenings. £2 per person on the night. Contact Shirley.
☎ 01458 223749
Bell Ringers
Contact Pauline Whitaker
☎ 07966 147030
CHADS - Amateur Dramatic Society
Most years, CHADS put on a pantomime and/or other productions at the Reading Room. Over the years more that £17,000 has been donated to charities and local good causes from the proceeds of productions.
CHADS has mainly drawn its membership from within the Charltons, though occasionally people from as far away as Street and Glastonbury have been involved! If you are interested in becoming involved with CHADS, either on the stage or otherwise, please contact Phil or Terrie Elliss.
☎ 01458 224225
Charltons Horticultural Society
All meetings, talks and events are held at The Reading Rooms, Hillway, Charlton Mackrell. Dates for all these are on our website.
Garden Club
The club meets weekly between April and September to visit interesting gardens, have lunch or tea and enjoy a chat. We are a company of mature gentlefolk who would appreciate a few younger members. Contact: Margaret Hutchins
☎ 01458 224099
A small educational charity which aims to enable people to benefit, learn and develop through woodland experiences and provides a variety of inclusive opportunities at Hallr Wood in Charlton Mackrell and Drayton Woods, near Langport.
Short Mat Bowls
The Charltons Short Mat Bowls Club meets at Kingsdon Village Hall on Mondays 7.30 - 9.30 pm. and Tuesday mornings 10.00 - noon. We are a very happy friendly Club who enjoy a roll-up with occasional friendly matches being arranged with other local clubs.
The annual joining fee is £10.00 and we pay £2.00 per game. We have social outings in the Summer and a Christmas meal. We welcome new members and woods are available to try out for weight. Two weeks "taster session" is not chargeable. Contact Nicholas Smith for more information.
☎ 01458 223336
Somerset Levels RDA Carriage Driving Group
Our aim is to improve the lives of people with disabilities, enabling them to carriage drive for the benefit of their health and wellbeing, and to achieve their goals within the sport of carriage driving. We are fortunate in having a wonderful team of around 30 helpers who look after the horses, equipment and who raise funds. For more information, contact the Group Organiser: Miss Yolanda Hansford or visit our facebook page.
☎ 079358563190
Tennis Club
Members are provided with a key to the padlock at the tennis court on the Community Playing Field. A booking diary is within the court fence. Membership costs £20 per individual, £25 for a couple and £30 for a family. The court is due for refurbishment this year. Contact Dee.
The Charltons Historical Society
Active research into the history of people and places with an active Facebook page. Contact Celia Mycock
☎ 01458 223575
The Giraffe House Pickleball Club
The Charltons Community Centre is the home of the Giraffe House Pickleball Club which was formed in September 2018 and has grown to about 70 members who travel from surrounding villages and as far away as Sherborne and is becoming one of the fastest growing sports in the UK. Our membership includes many local residents and we have many players who are well into their retirement years but don't be fooled by that the game is fast moving and offers an excellent opportunity to socialise whilst keeping fit.
Pickleball is a form of short tennis played with a table tennis style paddle an airflow ball and a tennis height net on a badminton court. It is suitable for all ages and we generally play in mixed groups.
We offer a free taster session to all potential new members and all you need to have to give it a try is a pair of trainers and suitable indoor sports wear, we have spare paddles and everything that you will need to try your hand.
☎ 01458 223015
Wildlife Contact
Contact Kevin Anderson.
☎ 01458 223462
Youth Club
The Youth Club is open every Wednesday evening in term time from 6.30 until 8.30 pm at the Community Centre. Young people aged from 10 to 17 are very welcome. Subs are £1 per session (free on the first visit) and there are a wide variety of activities planned. These include sports activities, arts and craft, cookery, BBQs, football, badminton and much more. Youth Workers Kayleigh and Jean look forward to welcoming you to the club.
For more information or if you would be interested to know more about volunteering to work alongside Kayleigh and Jean about once every 5 weeks, please contact Kayleigh Smith or Kate O'Boyle (Youth Club Village Coordinator).
☎ 07513138433
Places of Worship
The Charltons Churches
St Mary the Virgin
Bonfire Lane
Charlton Mackrell
TA11 7BN
St Peter and St Paul
Church Lane
Charlton Adam
TA11 7JU
Contact Church Warden Liz Bale 01458 223164 email who is also the organist.
More information
The Charltons churches are part of the Benefice of St Michael and All Angels, Somerton with the Charltons, Kingsdon, Pitney and Long Sutton with Long Load.
The Priest in charge post is currently vacant (as from January 2022). We will continue to offer ministry through baptisms, weddings, funerals, and pastoral care of all in the area. During the Vacancy If you would like to use any of these services or for any other reason, please contact the Benefice office by email Tel: 01458 273499 (all of these will be monitored regularly).
Mrs Jenny Gollop is the Reader 01458 233516 email
Services in the Charltons are held alternate fortnights in Mackrell and Adam at 9.30 am. Service details for the benefice can be obtained from the benefice website We would be delighted to see you at any of our services. The churches are open every day from 10 am until 4pm for private prayer. We have a team of people who pray for healing. If you would like prayers please leave a prayer request card in either church or contact Jenny Gollop.
The members of the Parochial Church Council are:
Deputy Chairs Andrea de Berker and Kevin Moore
Secretary Chris Thomas
Treasurer Ian Cornish
Social and Fundraising Committee Andrea de Berker
Members: Heather Barnes, Jenny and Chris Gollop, Nicola Hobday, Margaret Hutchins, Dot Squire , Kathy Train.
For information about weddings and funerals please contact the benefice office at St Michael’s 01458 273499 or 07483137623 email
The Benefice has a monthly newsletter Contact which is circulated electronically. To be added to the circulation please contact Kathy Train The churchyards are maintained by a Churchyard working party which meets monthly on the first Wednesday from 10-12. For more information, please contact Andrea de Berker 223227
The Social and Fundraising Committee organise the monthly village cafés, Winter Warmer lunches and fundraising events. If you would be interested in getting involved,please contact Andrea de Berker 223227 or Margaret Hutchins 224099
☎ Please see various contact details in 'More Information' to your right.
Meeting Halls
Mackrell Reading Room
Hillway, Charlton Mackrell, Somerset TA11 6AN
Chairman, Kevin Moore tel 01458 223774
Booking Secretary, Margaret Hutchins tel 01458 224099
Secretary, Terrie Elliss tel 01458 224225
Treasurer, Phil Elliss tel 01458 224225
The Charltons Communty Centre
The Recreation Ground, Top Road, Charlton Adam. Numerous events go on in the Hall & Sports Field on a regular basis, Football, Badminton, Pickleball, Youth Club, Jumble Sales, etc. as well as live music and other events. The Hall is available for hire at very competitive rates. Villagers get a discounted rate. To find out more on hiring the Hall, and Committee members, please visit our website.
Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) Somerton & Langport Area branch
We are your local branch holding events & collections to raise much needed funds for this life-saving institution
☎ 01458 251057